Thursday, May 1, 2008

Finding 10 websites and completing a summary table for each

By the end of class on Friday you will need to have completed summary tables for 10 websites that relate to their topic. You will have class time today & tomorrow to do this, however depending on how well you search and how fast you read, I encourage you to work on this for homework as well.

The Multnomah County Library has a great page explaining what makes a good website. I copied some of the highlights below, but for the full article click here.

When you're surfing the Web, you probably only think about one thing when you look at a Web site: whether or not it's fun.

But when you're looking for information on the Web for school -- or really any time that you care that what you find is true and up-to-date -- you have to evaluate the website to make sure that you can trust the information on it.

Here are some questions to ask when you're looking at a website that will help you decide whether or not it's good:

Who made it?

When was it last updated?

Is it clear what it's about?

Are there a lot of ads?

Is it easy to find the information you need?

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